JPDA: Monthly Production
Barrels of Oil Equivalent (BOE)

Previous 3 months

MonthProduction (BOE)
Oct '240
Nov '2474,938.97
Dec '24288,841.82

Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo

LAFAEK, PSC Description

PSC Name
PSC TL-S0-15-01
Timor-Leste Territory - Offshore
Contract Kind:
Effective Date:
Expiry Date:
Direct award to TIMOR GAP OFFSHORE BLOCK UNIPESOAL LIMITADA in accordance with Ministerial Dispatch No.3/GMPRM/XII/2015 dated 18 December 2015 and the Council of Ministers Resolution No.44/2015 of 22 December

Geographical Coordinates in Decimal Degree:

Latitude, Longitude

-9.14229, 126.9646
-8.87195, 127.6337
-9.26395, 127.8019
-9.52251, 127.1354
-9.14229, 126.9646

NB: These geographical coordinates are for visualization purpose only
Work Program:
- INITIAL PERIOD (Contract Years 1 to 3), the contractor shall carry out the Minimum Exploration Work Requirements as specified below:

Description of Work:

Contract Years Minimum Exploration Work Requirements
Technical Studies and Data Evaluation

1. Acquisition of 2780km² of 3D Broadband Seismic Data
2. Processing and Interpretation of 3D Broadband Seismic data and integrated G&G studies/review.
Petroleum Systems Modeling.
3. Prospect mapping and identification of drillable target(s). 

- SECOND PERIOD (Contract Years 4 and 5), unless the contractor has relinquished all of the contract area not being a Development Area or a Gas Retention Area before the start of the fourth  (4th) Contract Year, the contractor shall carry out the Minimum Exploration Work Requirements specified below:
Contract Years Minimum Exploration Work Requirements
Technical Studies and Data Evaluation

4. Preparation of Geological Prognosis and Well Planning. Reprocessing of 3D Broadband Seismic data, if required. 
5. One Exploration Well ( Contingent).

- THIRD PERIOD(Contract Years 6 and 7), unless the contractor has relinquished all of the contract area not being a Development Area or a Gas Retention Area or Petroleum Retention Area before the start of the sixth  (6th) year, the contractor shall carry out the Minimum Exploration Work Requirements  specified below:
Description of Work:

Contract Years Minimum Exploration Work Requirements;
6. Post-drill evaluation, G&G studies.  One Exploration  Well
7. Post-drill evaluation.

PSC Operators

TIMOR GAP Offshore Unipessoal 100%

This page was last updated on 3 September, 2019 For website matters contact us

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