The Timor Sea Treaty entered between the Governments of Timor-Leste and Australia in 2002 established the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) in the Timor Sea. Under the Treaty Timor-Leste and Australia jointly control, manage and facilitate the exploration and exploitation of the petroleum resources in the JPDA for the benefits of the people of Timor-Leste and Australia.
Following is a list of Legal Framework established for the administration of the petroleum activities in the JPDA and some existing petroleum contracts:
1. Timor Sea Treaty

2. Interim Petroleum Mining Code

3. Petroleum Mining Code

4. Interim Regulations issued under Article 37 of the Interim Petroleum Mining Code

5. Interim Directions issued under Article 37 of the Interim Petroleum Mining Code

6. Interim Administrative Guidelines for the Joint Petroleum Development Area

7. Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea

8. Greater Sunrise - Memorandum of Understanding

9. Greater Sunrise - International Unitisation Agreement

10. Production Sharing Contracts:
- JPDA PSC 06-101 A

- JPDA PSC 06-103

- JPDA PSC 06-105

- JPDA PSC 11 - 106